Welcome to our website!
Here you will find information about how to access emergency food supplies in Sheffield. Whether you are in need of emergency food yourself, or need to put someone in touch with a local food bank, we hope these pages prove a useful resource for you.
How can I donate money to the Sheffield Foodbank Network?
S2 Foodbank are acting as bankers for a special appeal to help foodbanks during the Cost of Living crisis. Donations will be split between the foodbanks in the network,
To avoid unnecessary charges the most direct way of getting money to the network is to donate by bank transfer.
Bank details: Co-Op Bank
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65702615
Please annotate your payment reference with your name and the campaign - Cost of Living. By doing this we can trace payments back and will be able to thank folk.
You can also donate by PAYPAL or cheque by visiting the food bank website. https://s2foodbank.org.uk/. Scroll down to the Donate Money section. Please add "+ Cost of Living" to the ‘add special instructions to the seller’ when you pay by PayPal,